Step 1: Complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the US Department of Education. Feel free to come to the Student Services Center, Building 300, for assistance in filling out the form. A computer lab is available in the center for students and parents to complete the FAFSA.
Submit the FAFSA electronically at Your online signature will be made using your Federal Student Aid ID and Password. Apply for a Username and Password at Electronic application increases the timeliness and efficiency of processing the FAFSA. Click here for additional videos about Federal Student Aid.
A FAFSA must be submitted for each academic year, which begins with the fall semester. FAFSA can be submitted after October 1st of each year. It is recommended that you apply as far in advance as possible. Some funds are limited and awarded on a first-come first-served basis.
Step 2: Talk with a financial aid counselor about grants, loans, or scholarships for which you may be eligible.
Step 3: Before you accept any financial aid, be sure to read the Financial Aid Memorandum of Understanding.
In order to maintain financial aid, you must make progress toward your academic goal and maintain a certain grade-point average to demonstrate success. Be sure to consult the Standards of Progress for Financial Aid outlined in the Student Handbook. Ask questions if you do not understand the requirements. You could lose all your financial aid, if you are not academically eligible.
IRS Data Retrieval Tool
One of the easiest ways to speed up your financial aid is to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. The Data Retrieval Tool links your updated tax information directly to your FAFSA.
Use these easy guides to help update your FAFSA quicker so that your aid can pay out on time!
- Quick guide to the Data Retrieval Tool, from the Department of Education
- Data Retrieval Tool Chart, from the Department of Education